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How to apply

Part 1: Choose a job vacancy at Magna

All vacancies can be found on our current vacancies page. You can find out more about the role, or apply, by clicking on the 'read more and apply' button.

Part 2: Review the job details

All of the information about the role, and any experience or qualifications needed, are detailed in the advert. If you think you're what we're looking for, we would love to receive your application. Please click on the 'apply now' button.

Part 3: Complete your application

You will need to register for an account with Networx and complete your application before the closing date shown on the advert.

Personal details are removed before your application is sent to the recruiting manager to shortlist.

Part 4: Your application assessment

The recruitment panel will assess each applicant against the job criteria and decide who will be selected for an interview. The recruiting manager will confirm which applicants they want to see for an interview and which applicants have not been shortlisted.

Part 5: Arrange an interview

If you are selected for an interview you will receive an email confirming the interview details. It’s important that you check your emails regularly. You can also check the status of your application within your Networx account.

Part 6: Attend the interview

Generally, interviews are held by two people including the recruiting manager. The process can include a profiling assessment, appropriate tests eg typing and a formal interview. Full details of the process will be set out in the interview confirmation email.

Part 7: Outcome of your interview

Applicants will be told at the interview when they can expect to hear the outcome. Applicants will also be given the opportunity to request feedback.

Part 8: Receive offer of employment

For the successful applicant(s), a verbal offer will be made directly to them by the recruiting manager. This will be followed by an offer letter and any other relevant paperwork.