Find a property
We manage just over 9,000 homes across Dorset, Somerset and Devon, for rent and shared ownership, providing more than 20,000 people with a safe and affordable home.

Rent a home
For most of our homes, even if you're already a Magna customer, you'll need to apply to rent a home through your local authority. See how to apply for more information.
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Buy a Home
Shared ownership is another way to buy your own home if you cannot afford to buy on the open market. You buy a percentage and pay rent on the rest. The housing association owns part of it — but you’re living there, you decorate it, and you decide when to sell.
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Sheltered housing
We have around 1,400 sheltered homes, primarily for older people who want to live independently in the privacy of their own homes, but with the security of knowing that there are people on hand to help in an emergency.
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We own garages throughout Dorset and Somerset and you don't have to be a Magna customer to rent a garage from us.
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Building new homes
We are committed to building new homes. We partner with others to create great places where people choose to live, with the right homes, of the right quality, in the right place. We provide homes that are affordable to rent or to buy to meet the needs of those in our communities, whatever their requirement.
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