We’re committed to enhancing biodiversity and making both our existing homes and new developments more sustainable.

We’re making a difference by working closely with qualified ecologists and Natural England to safeguard wildlife at our new Webber’s Piece development. From hazel trees to nesting boxes, we’re providing habitats for protected species to make sure they can continue to live safely, and we’ve also relocated dormice and reptiles to new protected locations.

We’re also working on a new Magna Homes and Estate Standard to develop a cross-business approach to define how our homes and estates will be improved and developed to create homes fit for the future. The standard will include provision to meet, and aim to exceed, the 10% Biodiversity Net Gain standard.

Aisla Exley, Sustainability Business Partner at Magna, has been working hard to make sure that sustainability is considered in every corner of the business. She said:

“Magna is working to embed sustainable practices across our work. Improving the use of land and increasing biodiversity has benefits not only for the environment but for our customers and communities, making our homes and estates great places to live.”

Looking to the future, we plan to retrofit many of our existing homes, continue to construct affordable housing in a sustainable way, and look at our land to identify sites where we can enhance the biodiversity to create greener communities.

You can find out more about the homes we’re building here.