Smoke and carbon monoxide detector policy
This policy sets out our approach to the provision, maintenance, repair and testing of smoke detectors, and to the provision of information and advice about fire safety and smoke detectors.
The provision of smoke detectors
All Magna homes will be fitted with smoke detectors and/or a system to detect smoke or heat and where there is a fuel burning appliance a carbon monoxide detector, in compliance with The Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Regulations.
When a property becomes empty, we will ensure it is fitted with at least one smoke detector on each floor and a heat detector in the kitchen, where there is more than one smoke or heat detector these will be linked in compliance with the Magna Re-Let Standard. We will provide new batteries to these detectors or replace the detector, if necessary, as part of the void work and test them before the property is relet.
When we carry out a refurbishment of a kitchen we will install a heat detector in the kitchen. This will be linked to the other smoke detectors in the property.
In any other circumstances where we identify a missing or defective detector, we will replace it as a priority one repair. It will be the customer’s responsibility to test detectors in the home. We will publicise this from time to time through Open door and other means.
Upon request, we will provide and install adapted smoke detectors with flashing strobe light and/or vibration facilities in place of standard smoke detectors in properties where the customer and/or any member of their household has sight or hearing disabilities.
Repairs, maintenance and testing
We will treat all repairs or necessary replacement of smoke detectors as emergency (priority one) repairs.
We will not take responsibility for the supply or fitting of replacement batteries, except in a void property and in sheltered and supported housing.
In sheltered housing and supported housing, support colleagues will undertake a monthly test of smoke detectors in customers’ homes and will replace batteries during that test if necessary. We will also repair and replace smoke detectors as necessary. The additional services described in this paragraph will only be provided where the customer is liable to pay a support charge to Magna and has not opted out of receiving any support visits. For the purposes of this policy, sheltered housing is defined as those properties that are classified as housing for older people and supported housing includes purpose designed or designated supported housing, in accordance with Regulator of Social Housing guidance.
We will check all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors as part of the cyclical electrical testing of properties, in accordance with our ‘Cyclical Electrical Testing Procedure’ and our ‘Gas, Oil and Solid Fuel Procedure’
We will undertake a monthly test of all smoke detectors in communal areas, in line with our ‘Fire Safety Procedures - common and communal areas of housing’.
Providing information and raising awareness
We will raise awareness of fire safety, and in particular the importance of installing and maintaining smoke detectors, for example through the provision of information on our website, in Open door, and in the communal areas of schemes or blocks of flats.
Our assured tenancy agreements include clauses on smoke alarms/detectors and make it clear that customers are responsible for checking smoke alarms/detectors and replacing batteries.
Responsibilities for Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Management
The Director of Customer Operations is the accountable person in relation to all aspects of management of smoke and carbon monoxide at Magna and is responsible for the development and review of the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Policy, ensuring that these meet all regulatory requirements and guidance.
The Head of Building Safety and Compliance is responsible for operational delivery of smoke and carbon monoxide activities, for maintaining accurate safety related property data. The Head of Building Safety and Compliance is responsible for ensuring that customers are effectively consulted on all aspects of smoke and carbon monoxide detection.
All colleagues have a responsibility for ensuring that the work they undertake in delivering our policies and standards is fit for purpose.
Governance, Performance Management and Review
This policy, its associated standard and operational procedure will be monitored and reviewed by the Director of Customer Operations annually. The policy will be considered and approved annually by Board.
This policy and associated procedures will be monitored and reviewed by the Head of Building Safety and Compliance at least annually.