Stock woman looking out window

Anti-social behaviour

We are firmly committed to tackling anti-social behaviour and harassment experienced by, or perpetrated by, our residents. We will use whatever solutions are available to help us resolve problems. We encourage anyone who is suffering from racial or other harassment, or any other form of anti-social behaviour, to let us know. We will deal with complaints in confidence where necessary and we can offer support to victims.

Our community safety team responds to each case as soon as possible and works very closely with the police in resolving anti-social behaviour issues affecting our residents and the areas they live in. The police have set up safer neighbourhood teams comprising police officers and police community support officers, better known as PCSOs.

We take seriously any complaints about anti-social behaviour, neighbour nuisance or harassment. This is a guide to explain what is meant by these terms and to tell you what we can do when you report a problem.

You can also read our community safety policy and procedure for more information.

Report immediate danger and crimes to the police.

Are you in immediate danger? 

You should report this to the police on 999. 

Do you want to report a crime that has already happened? 

Call the police on 101. 

Report anti-social Behaviour to Magna Housing

We deal with the following reports of anti-social behaviour: 

Environmental and nuisance

Personal incidents

Abandoned vehicles and parking issuesDomestic abuse
Untidy gardensDrug-related activities
Cannabis use or smellsViolence or threats of
Neighbour disputesHate crime
Pet issues and dangerous dogsHarassment
Noise issues
Verbal abuse.
Child welfare calls

Need to report one of the above issues?

If you need to report one of the above issues listed, get in touch. We aim to respond to reports of personal incidents within 2 to 5 working days, and environmental and nuisance issues within 6 to 8 weeks.