Stock couple new home

Your repair responsibilities

Here are some of the typical things we get asked about whether it's your, or our, responsibility.

You are responsible for repairing the following:

  • Battery powered door bells
  • Curtain battens, coat hooks, rails and fixings
  • Sink/bath chains and plugs
  • Electrical faults arising from the use of faulty appliances
  • Resetting trip switches - watch our how-to video here.
  • Plugs, fuses, light bulbs, fluorescent tubes and starters (except in communal areas) - take a look at our how-to videos here.
  • Minor plaster cracks, damage to internal decorations and other minor repairs of a similar nature
  • Any appliance, structure or installation which was not supplied by Magna
  • Replacement of additional locks and keys
  • Arranging access to your home when keys are mislaid or left in the property.
  • Blocked sinks, basins, baths and toilets - take a look at our how-to videos here.
  • Dealing with minor pest problems inside your home and in your garden
  • Treating minor mould growth (unless the problem results from rising or penetrating damp or pipe leaks). Read our information on damp and mould here.
  • Relighting boilers and bleeding radiators - take a look at our how-to videos here.
  • Smoke alarms/detectors: where supplied it is your responsibility to check that they are in working order, including the replacement of batteries (except in sheltered housing) - take a look at our how-to videos here.
  • Connecting and disconnecting washing machines, dishwashers, cookers and telephones.
  • Arranging for the correct venting of tumble dryers
  • Clearing leaves from gully grids
  • Replacing toilet seats
  • Repairing or replacing toilet roll holders
  • Replacing broken or cracked glass / windows where no police crime report number has been obtained
  • Any damage caused by you, a member of your family or a visitor to your home
  • Checking room thermostat is set at the correct temperature
  • Checking heating programmer is set at the correct time settings
  • Clearing gutters (unless you are in a sheltered home or a block of flats).

This is not a complete list but an indication of the types of repairs we expect you to deal with. Please contact us if you have any questions.