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Your Safety

The safety of you and your home is really important to us.

We’re investing in the quality of our homes, with a new Magna home and community standard. This will focus on the quality of our homes, communal areas and estates, and makes sure that they are built, managed and maintained to a consistently high standard. We’ll be developing this with our customers so we’ll know what’s important.

We prioritise safety – for our customers, our colleagues and anyone who works with us. Making sure our homes and our estates are safe is an important part of creating great places where people choose to live. We’re adopting a safety-first approach across the business and will be increasing investment in our homes to deliver this.

We’ve also joined the National Social Housing Safety and Compliance campaign, publicly making the following pledges:

  1. The safety of our customers and colleagues is our top priority at Magna.
  2. “Always safe” is one of our key values. We’ll be customer-focused in our approach and work together to keep everyone safe
  3. We all take ownership and responsibility when it comes to safety
  4. Our information and advice about safety will be easy to understand and accessible for everyone.

Our corporate value of Always safe, encourages both our colleagues and customers to be proactive and raise any health and safety or wellbeing concerns about what they see in our homes, for example, this could be anything from a damaged step or a leaking pipe, to concerns for someone’s wellbeing. Below are some key safety areas - please take a look.



Asbestos is the name given to a group of fibrous minerals found naturally in many parts of the world. In the past, asbestos was added to a variety of products to strengthen them and to provide fire proofing and noise reduction.

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Fire safety

Fire safety

We do our best to keep your homes safe from fire - but we need your help.

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Checking your smoke detector

Checking your smoke detector

Smoke alarms save lives, but only when they are working properly. If you look after your smoke alarm, it will look after you.

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Gas safety

Gas safety

If you smell gas contact National Gas Emergency Service immediately to report a gas leak on FREEPHONE 0800 111 999.

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Electrical testing

Electrical testing

We come to your home at least once every five years to make sure that the electrics in your home are safe. This is part of the important work we do to keep you safe in your home. It’s so important that we are required by law to do it.

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Preparing for a power outage

Preparing for a power outage

Read lots of helpful tips which can help you to prepare in case your power goes out.

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Charging mobility scooters

Charging mobility scooters

Mobility scooters are great. They give freedom and independence to people who have limited mobility. Lots of our customers use them.

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Pests and vermin

Pests and vermin

As a tenant it is your responsibility to deal with minor pests inside your home and in your garden. Some examples are mice, rats, ants, wasps, and woodlice.

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Radon is a naturally occurring, colourless, odourless, radioactive gas. Radon can be found everywhere outdoors in the UK and can potentially accumulate indoors too. It's unlikely to cause any harm, however, it's important to survey and measure the exposure levels and take action where necessary.

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